An assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the nw iberian Peninsula: Part I. Persistent organic pollutantsAn assessment of contaminant concentrations in toothed whale species of the nw iberian Peninsula: Part I. Persistent organic pollutants
Paula Méndez-Fernandeza,b,c*, Lynda Websterd, Tiphaine Chouvelona, Paco Bustamantea, Marisa Ferreirac, Angel F. Gonzáleze, Alfredo Lópezb, Colin F. Moffatd, Graham J. Piercef, Fiona L. Reade, Marie Russelld, Maria B
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Module 11 marine protected areasModule 11 marine protected areas
Give Learners practice reading and analysing protected areas legal provisions for mpas
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Alternative Access Project: Mobile Scoping Study Final ReportAlternative Access Project: Mobile Scoping Study Final Report
We learnt a great deal from the conversations we had and we are sure that our analysis and recommendations are much closer to genuine needs and expectations as a result
Report 6.06 Mb. 17
Alternative Access Project: Mobile Scoping Study Final ReportAlternative Access Project: Mobile Scoping Study Final Report
We learnt a great deal from the conversations we had and we are sure that our analysis and recommendations are much closer to genuine needs and expectations as a result
Report 6.11 Mb. 15
Uk work on ExoMars for AuroraUk work on ExoMars for Aurora
Pparc is investing 7 million for R&D work for the ExoMars mission with uk academia and industry to develop key systems and technology for esa’s ExoMars mission. In addition uk industry is also investing in several of these projects at a value above the
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Aida climate change working party and aida motor insurance working party questionnaire on Motor Insurance and Climate ChangeAida climate change working party and aida motor insurance working party questionnaire on Motor Insurance and Climate Change
Law arising out of discussions held at the XIII aida world Congress in Paris in May 2010. Since then much has happened. The Aida climate Change Working Party has been formed. It has already held five meetings
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Chemical and biological defense programChemical and biological defense program
Defense. The public law also directed the Secretary of Defense to designate the Army as the Executive Agent for coordination and integration of the cbd program
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Impressions from a Visit to China: Part II brig (rtd) Vinod Anand Tale of Two Chinese CitiesImpressions from a Visit to China: Part II brig (rtd) Vinod Anand Tale of Two Chinese Cities
Guangzhou and Shenzhen come second and third. But then Shenzhen’s fast paced development over last three and half decades has given rise to the possibility of it replacing Guangzhou as the third major city in mainland China
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The Czech Republic Date: june 2008 Transition Facility – the Detailed Project FicheThe Czech Republic Date: june 2008 Transition Facility – the Detailed Project Fiche
Title: Strengthening data security in electronic data processing at the Czech Social Security Administration (cssa) and data exchange between the Czech Republic and other eu member States
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Running / completed projects of stpRunning / completed projects of stp
Connect2SmallPorts. South Baltic Small Ports as Gateways towards Integrated Sustainable European Transport System and Blue Growth by Smart Connectivity Solutions
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Dominica wt/tpr/G/85/dma pageDominica wt/tpr/G/85/dma page
Pursuant to the Agreement Establishing the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (Annex 3 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization), the policy statement by the Government of Dominica is attached
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Special-status wildlifeSpecial-status wildlife
Yuba County Water Agency’s (ycwa or Licensee) continued operation and maintenance (O&M) of the existing Yuba River Development Project (Project) has a potential to affect special-status1 bats
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Assigned To Dr. Md. Shafaet HossenAssigned To Dr. Md. Shafaet Hossen
Development (unced) in Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992 and entered into force on 29 December 1993. World Summit also reaffirmed that the Convention on Biological Diversity is the key instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the fair
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